
Villa Pamphili Park

The park is at walking distance from our home. It is the greatest park of Rome with the perimeter of 9km.

It was founded in 1630 for Pamphilius Pamphili, but the most important moment in the development and extension of it was between 1644 and 1652. Two artists from Bolonia, A. Algardi and G.F. Grimaldi, created the villa's palace, called "Casino dell'Allegrezza" (House of Mirth), a beautiful and impressive construction outside, as well as inside, an example of Baroque architectural masterpiece. Now it is a residence of the Chair of Cabinet.

The villa was bought by the Italian State in 1957 and partly by the city of Rome in 1965-71, thus it is open to public and it is a favourite place of rest and sport of Romans.

Learn more at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villa_Doria_Pamphili

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